Free Care Packages for Cancer Patients

Free care package for cancer patients
This page was originally published March 12, 2018 and updated February 26, 2025.

The organizations listed below generously free care packages and products to cancer patients in all stages of the disease, from those who have been recently diagnosed, to those currently in treatment, and to those well beyond. For hundreds more free cancer care packages and programs, please see our updated links here. ❤️

American Childhood Cancer Organization free Comfort Kit for KidsThe American Childhood Cancer Organization provides comfort kits for children and teenagers who have received a cancer diagnosis. These kits include a large collapsible duffel bag for transporting items to and from the medical facility, a blanket; a pillow case emblazoned with ACCO’s mascot Cozy, and a pack of playing cards. With the goal of easing the patient’s transition to treatment in mind the kit is designed to provide education and comfort to childhood and teenage patients. For more on this free kit and other free resources for kids and parents, please visit the ACCO’s website order form here.

Stronghold MinistryThe Stronghold Ministry gift basket contains educational materials and items to support someone after diagnosis.

The free care package includes a tote, faith-based inspiration, and Subway gift card for people fighting cancer. To find out more about this generous program or to request a care package for yourself or someone else, please visit this page for the request form.

A Model Patient provides free care package for breast cancer patients currently in active treatment in the USA. This generous program is offered nationwide by A Model Patient, a nonprofit that serves to support the breast cancer community. If you are currently undergoing breast cancer treatment in the United States, please complete the online form on the website to request your free care package. provides handmade jewelry gift sets to patients in the United. The website lists each gift as unique and advises that it can take up to 12 weeks to receive. To request a free set, complete this form on the website here.

Hair We Share Free Wig ProgramHair We Share is a national nonprofit program that provides one wig free of charge to children 18 years old and under with a medical hair loss condition. For those over 18, a free wig is provided to patients with demonstrated financial need. All applications must be residents of the USA. Those over 18 must be willing to provide proof of household income. To apply for this free wig program, please visit this link.

Conquer Magazine provides comprehensive resources for cancer patients and their families. Filled with useful tips and insights, Conquer Magazine offers both electronic and print versions of its widely acclaimed patient resource. Get a free subscription here.

Alex’s Lemonade StandAlex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation provides patients with a treatment journal to record their medications, test information, expenses, and more. Not only is it comprehensive but it can prove indispensable in helping patients quantify exactly what is going on with their treatment. Request your free treatment journal here.

When patients and their families are handed a cancer diagnosis, immediately so many things change about every aspect of daily life. It can all become overwhelming and very frustrating. That’s why many organizations like these exist to help support cancer patients through generous free resources, assistance, counseling, education, and other outreach. We sincerely hope you find a care package here that brightens your day and eases your journey in some way.

More Free Programs for Cancer Patients

For more free care packages and gifts for cancer patients please see the hundreds of national listings here.  All programs are offered at no cost and are updated daily. ❤️

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About Staff, Cancer Care News 309 Articles
Cancer Care News is a non-profit 501(c)(3) sharing evidence-based cancer updates & financial resources for patients & families in the USA. Please share the information you find helpful with others in need.


  1. Maybe I am alone here in saying this but I have never heard of any of these groups! Thank you so much for talking about them. I came on this site from a Facebook post I was reading and happened to see this. I will share this information and pass it along!

    • Thank you, Ellen, for your kind words. We very much appreciate you helping spread the word!

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