Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month is in November

Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month and Help for Patients
This page was originally published November 1, 2018 and updated March 8, 2025.

November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month. According to the American Cancer Society, about 62,210 people in the US will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2022.  Unfortunately, most are diagnosed in later stages when cure is not possible and only limited treatment options exist. Currently, ninety-one percent will die within five years of diagnosis; and in the US, this disease kills more people than breast cancer.

Pancreatic Cancer Awareness campaigns are working hard to change these dismal statistics through education and funding for more research that can one day put an end to this disease. One such organization is the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, a national non-profit that serves pancreatic cancer patients, families, and caregivers in the USA via patient advocacy, research, and clinical studies with the goal of doubling survival rates by 2030.

Pancreatic Cancer Awareness and Help for Patients

Since 2003, this organization raised over 174 million dollars for clinical research to advance its cause. The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network provides free telephone support to those diagnosed with this disease. Their no-cost patient services include referrals to specialists, getting second opinions, determining optimal treatment options, and matches to clinical trials. In addition, they offer financial assistance as well as counseling and cancer support groups both online and in person. For help, please contact their Patient Central line at (877) 435-8650 or visit for more.

The National Cancer Institute describes some of the earlier signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer as:

  • Abdominal and mid-back pain
  • Change in Stool
  • Dark Urine
  • Digestive problems
  • New-onset Diabetes
  • Unexplained Weight loss
  • Yellow Skin or Eyes

Of course, these symptoms do not mean a person has pancreatic cancer; it simply means that if we recognize these signs, we must be proactive and see our doctor with any health concerns right away.

If you (or someone you know) have been diagnosed with cancer and need help covering the costs of prescriptions, treatment and other expenses, please see our link to free, nationwide financial resources for cancer patients. No-cost help is available right now. ❤️


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Cancer Care News is a non-profit 501(c)(3) sharing evidence-based cancer updates & financial resources for patients & families in the USA. Please share the information you find helpful with others in need.


  1. My uncle was diagnosed in June of this year and is going strong. The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network has been an invaluable help. Thanks for including the link and hope it helps others, too!

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