Free Products and Services for Breast Cancer Patients

Free products and services for breast cancer patients
This page was originally published October 9, 2020 and updated March 8, 2025.

Free Products and Services for Breast Cancer Patients

Getting diagnosed with breast cancer can leave anyone feeling overwhelmed. From planning care to obtaining support services, getting everything lined up can be a real challenge. If you (or someone you love), has been diagnosed with breast cancer, the specialized programs, products, and services below are available at no cost to you.

This list of updated resources specifically supports you as a breast patient all along the cancer journey. Here you’ll find no-cost financial assistance programs to help pay for travel, housing, treatment, copays, deductibles, and prescriptions. We’ve also included custom-tailored peer and professional counseling services and free gift programs just for breast cancer patients to help relieve some of the many burdens that accompany this diagnosis.

All support services are provided free of charge for breast patients, caregivers, and family living here in the USA. Get the help you need from the nonprofit and governmental programs below. In addition, please visit our national directory of free products, programs, and services for all cancer patients regardless of diagnosis. And do not hesitate to reach out if you need assistance locating any other resource, and we will help you find it. ❤️

Submit a Link

If you would like to submit a program, product, or service you think would help our readers, please click this link and let us know all about it.

The Assistance Breast Cancer Fund Premiums Deductibles and Copays
Premiums, Copays & Deductibles

The Assistance Fund for Breast Cancer

Main URL: Visit
Phone: (855) 730-5871


The Assistance Fund is a national nonprofit organization that provides financial assistance to breast cancer patients in the USA who have uncovered care-related expenses and meet income guidelines. Programs pay for copayments, coinsurance, deductibles, and other out-of-pocket health-related expenses. To apply, please visit this link or call the phone number above for assistance.

HealthWell Medicare Fund for Breast Cancer Patients
Premiums, Copays & Deductibles

Healthwell Breast Cancer Fund

Main URL: Visit


This fund provides financial assistance to pay for prescription drugs and biologics used in the treatment of breast cancer for patients in the USA who have Medicare Insurance. The maximum award is $15000.  Eligibility is based on need. Currently, income must be 400% of the Federal Poverty Level or less. To learn current eligibility guidelines and apply, please visit this link.

PAF Breast Cancer Copay Fund
Premiums, Copays & Deductibles

PAF Breast Cancer Co-Pay Relief

Main URL: Visit


This financial assistance program by the Patient Advocate Foundation helps cover the costs of co-pays, co-insurance & deductibles for breast cancer patients. Eligible applicants must reside and receive treatment in the United States and earn less than 400% of Federal Poverty Level guidelines (FPL). Maximum award $16000 per year. To apply, visit this link.

Keytruda Free Prescription Program for Cancer Patients

Merck Keytruda Prescription Assistance

Main URL: Visit


No-cost Keytruda prescription program for cancer patients in the USA who do not have insurance or the insurance does not cover Keytruda.  Complete the online enrollment form by clicking the link above and a program representative will contact your physician to confirm eligibility and complete enrollment.

Share Cancer Peer Support Program
Free Peer Support

SHARE Cancer Support Program

Main URL: Visit
Phone: (844) 275-7427


National online peer support programs for patients with breast, ovarian, and other gynecological cancers. Support is offered in group settings with other patients who share a similar cancer diagnosis. To view the current online support schedule and reserve your spot, please use the link above.

LBBC Free Peer Support for Breast Cancer Patients
Free Peer Support

LBBC Peer Support

Main URL: Visit


Living Beyond Breast Cancer offers a free telephone helpline with trained volunteers who have been diagnosed with breast cancer and can offer emotional support and guidance to anyone diagnosed, in treatment, beyond treatment, or living with metastatic breast cancer. For more and to get help visit this page to fill out the online form to be matched with a volunteer who can help because she’s been there.

ABCD Free Peer Support Program for Breast Cancer Patients
Free Peer Support

ABCD Free Peer Support Program

Main URL: Visit
Phone: (800) 977-4121


Provides free one-to-one peer mentoring and support for anyone affected by breast cancer – including patients, families, and friends. Free one-to-one support from a volunteer who is matched based on similar circumstances and understands the journey. The services are free, confidential, and available 24/7. Enroll online using this form.

TNBC Foundation Free pro Support for Breast Cancer Patients
Free Pro Support

TNBC Foundation Helpline Pro Support

Main URL: Visit
Phone: (877) 880-8622 (10AM-6PM M-Th ET)


The TNBC Helpline provides free professional support services to patients and families coping with a diagnosis of triple negative breast cancer.  The staff includes oncology social workers with specific knowledge of triple negative bc and are experts in guiding  patients and families to resources that match each person’s individual needs including financial, emotional, and education support services. For more on this free pro support helpline, please visit this link or call (877) 880-8622 (10AM-6PM M-Th ET) to get immediate assistance over the phone.

Free Help Breast Cancer Patients
Free Pro Support

Patient Advocate Foundation (PAF) Donna CareLine

Main URL: Visit
Phone: (877) 236-6626 (M-TH 8:30-5:00, F 8:30-4:00 EST)


The Donna CareLine, funded by the Donna Foundation and staffed by PAF, is a free service that helps patients diagnosed with breast cancer. The CareLine will provide you with an experienced navigator who will work with you on access-to-care-issues, insurance denials, workplace issues, and much more.  Visit this link to complete the assessment form online to get the assistance you need. Help is also available over the phone by calling toll-free (877) 236-6626.

PinkAid Pink Purse Grant Program for Breast Cancer Patients
Free Grants

PinkAid Grant Program

Main URL: Visit


The PinkAid Pink Purse grant program provides emergency funds of up to $500 for breast cancer patients in active treatment in the USA who need help with utility bills, phone bills, cable bills, transportation to/from treatment, car payments, and more. Applicant must earn less than 300% of Federal Poverty Guidelines. To apply for this grant program online, please visit this page on the PinkAid website.

Donna M. Foundation Grant for Breast Cancer Patients
Free Grants

Donna M. Foundation Grant

Main URL: Visit


The Donna M. Foundation is a national nonprofit serving breast cancer patients throughout the USA. Grants are available for housing expenses, transportation expenses, medical co-pays, groceries, and more. Eligibility is based on financial need and medical proof of diagnosis will be required. To apply for this free grant program, please complete the online form here.

Angela Andrade Foundation Grant for Breast Cancer Patients
Free Grants

Angela Andrade Foundation Grant

Main URL: Visit


The Angela Andrade Foundation is a national nonprofit organization that awards monetary grants of up to $1800 to metastatic breast cancer patients who are permanent residents of the USA. Awards are offered four times per year and are provided based on financial need and funding. To apply, please download and complete the request form on the Angela Andrade Foundation website here.

Remember Betty Grant Program
Free Grants

Remember Betty Grant Program

Main URL: Visit


Remember Betty is a national nonprofit whose focus is minimizing financial burdens for breast cancer patients in the USA. Remember Betty grants range from $250 to $1500 and cover housing (mortgage/rental), medical bills, transportation (car payment/repair), and general use assistance. Applications are accepted the 1st-7th of each month and can be submitted by fax or mail. To download an application, please visit this link.

The Pink Daisy Cash Grant Program
Free Grants

The Pink Daisy Project

Main URL: Visit


The Pink Daisy Project provides short term financial assistance for women in the USA who are under 45 who and within three months of breast cancer treatment or reconstruction due to breast cancer. The Pink Daisy provides grants in the form of gift cards to cover expenses like groceries, restaurants and gas. To apply, please visit this page and request an application.

Provision Project Free Breast Cancer Grants
Free Grants

Provision Project

Main URL: Visit


Provision Project provides financial relief to women in the USA in active treatment for breast cancer and covers expenses like food, rent, utilities, gas, insurance co-pays. Money is paid directly to the third-party owed. No cash grants. The online-only application opens on the 1st of every month and closes quickly so be sure to apply right away. To apply, visit this page on the Provision Project website.

Free Grants

The Pink Fund

Main URL: Visit


The Pink Fund provides short-term financial assistance for breast cancer patients in active treatment and in financial need.  This grant provides up to 90 days of non-medical financial support to meet basic needs.  This grant’s purpose is to allow breast cancer patients to focus on healing while removing the stress from unmet financial responsibilities. Click this link to apply.

Komen Financial Assistance for Breast Cancer Patients
Free Grants

Komen Treatment Assistance Program

Main URL: Visit
Phone: (877) 465-6636


Free grant program sponsored by the Komen Foundation to help breast cancer patients living in the United States with the costs of rent, utilities, childcare and more. Patients must be in current treatment or living with a metastatic diagnosis and meet income guidelines to qualify. These one-time grants range from $500-$750. To apply, please visit the website for the online application form here.

Alliance in Reconstructive Surgery (AIRS)
Free Grants

Alliance in Reconstructive Surgery (AIRS)

Main URL: Visit


Grants for medical expenses relating to breast reconstructive surgery after mastectomy. Each grant is unique to the individual patient. Grants awarded may range from co-pays to the full cost of reconstructive surgery, hospitalization, and other related medical expenses. For the next open application period and to apply online, please complete this online application form.

Wishing for Mommy
Free Grants

Wishing for Mommy

Main URL: Visit


Grants up to $500 for kids 3-18 whose moms have been diagnosed with breast cancer or undergoing treatment within the last 24 months. Kids write about how the money will help make their mommy happier. To help a child you know apply for this grant program, visit this page.

susan g komen for the cure scholarship for cancer patients
Free Scholarships

Susan G. Komen for the Cure Scholarship Program

Main URL: Visit


Scholarships for breast cancer survivors (diagnosed before age 25) or those who have lost a parent or guardian to breast cancer. Scholarship award of $5000 per semester, renewable for up to 4 years to complete undergraduate studies. For more program information, please see this PDF or email the address above. When emailing be sure to reference the Susan G. Komen for the Cure College Scholarship Program.

Kar en Wellington Free Vacations and Day Trips
Free Vacations & Day Trips

The Karen Wellington Foundation

Main URL: Visit


The Karen Wellington Foundation provides women living with breast cancer (and their families) in the USA with entertaining and uplifting activities like trips, spa days, dinners out, concerts, road trips and other fun-focused events. To learn more or nominate someone you know who could benefit from a day of fun, please visit this page.

Look Good Feel Better Virtual Workshops for Ovarian Cancer Patients
Free Vacations & Day Trips

Look Good Feel Better

Main URL: Visit
Phone: (800) 395-5665
Contact: Get in Touch


A fun, supportive virtual program available nationwide that teaches beauty techniques to women with cancer to help manage the appearance-related side effects of cancer. The program includes lessons on skin and nail care, cosmetics, wigs and turbans, accessories and styling and is open to all women with cancer who are undergoing treatment. To locate a convenient program session, please visit the program finder here.

Little Pink Houses of Hope
Free Vacations & Day Trips

Little Pink Houses of Hope

Main URL: Visit


Free, week-long vacations for breast cancer patients and their families to encourage taking time out to relax, reconnect, and rejuvenate. Retreats are held at locations in North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Maryland, Texas, Michigan, Arizona, Florida, and California. All expenses except travel to and from the retreat are included. For help on travel costs, please see our transportation and grant sections. Applications are usually open each year from October to August. To find out when the next retreats are being held and to submit an application, please visit this page.

Casting for Recovery (CfR)
Free Vacations & Day Trips

Casting for Recovery (CfR)

Main URL: Visit
Phone: (888) 553-3500


Provides breast cancer survivors with a unique weekend-long retreat that combines fly-fishing with comprehensive peer support. From the website, “The program offers opportunities for women to find inspiration, discover renewed energy for life and experience healing connections with other women and nature.” Retreat locations are available nationwide. For more on this program and retreat location near you, please visit this page.

Diva for a Day free spa day for women with cancer
Free Vacations & Day Trips

Diva for a Day

Main URL: Visit


The Diva for a Day program treats breast cancer patients to a day at the spa free of charge. For participating spas across the US, see this online search tool. If you know a deserving Diva who has been recently diagnosed, is currently in treatment, or is less than 6 months out from the completion of treatment, you can nominate them for the Diva for a Day program here.

Send Me on Vacation for breast cancer survivors
Free Vacations & Day Trips

Send Me on Vacation

Main URL: Visit


Four different vacation programs available to breast cancer survivors. Mermaids Empowerment and the Wellness Vacation are for survivors only; the FreeStyle and Staycations are designed for survivors and families. Meals, taxes and housing are usually covered but flights are not. To check current availability, eligibility requirements and to complete an application, visit this link.

Genevieves Helping Hands Housing Grant for Breast Cancer Patients
Free Transportation & Housing

Genevieve's Helping Hands

Main URL: Visit


In loving memory of the nonprofit’s namesake Genevieve, a tireless advocate for breast cancer patients, this free housing program is available for mothers first diagnosed with breast cancer at age 40 years old or younger and who are in need of housing during recovery or respite from treatment.  Awardees are eligible for up to a three night stay for the recipient, one caretaker, and a stipend for meals and other necessities. To apply, please complete the online form here.

Awesome Breast Forms
Free Medical Equipment

Awesome Breast Forms

Main URL: Visit


Free handmade knitted and crocheted prosthetic breast forms for women who have lost a breast due to lumpectomy or mastectomy.  Volunteers custom make these by hand based on each person’s needs and breast cup size. To request your free breast forms, visit this page and complete the online request form.

Knitted Knockers USA
Free Medical Equipment

Knitted Knockers USA

Main URL: Visit


Free knitted prosthetics as a replacement for silicone after mastectomy. According to their website, “Knitted Knockers are a light comfortable knitted prosthetic that when placed in a bra has the shape and feel of a real breast, and are more comfortable than silicone prosthetic breasts.”  Request your free knitted knockers here.

Boxes of Hope Care package for Breast Cancer Patients
Free Care Packages

Boxes of Hope Care Package

Main URL: Visit


Boxes of Hope is a national nonprofit organization that provides free care packages to anyone in active breast cancer treatments within the United States. Proof of diagnosis and treatment will be required. To request your free care package, please complete this form on the Boxes of Hope website.

Bags of Hope Free Care Package for Breast Cancer Patients
Free Care Packages

Bags of Hope Care Package

Main URL: Visit


Bags of Hope is a nonprofit organization that sends free care packages to breast cancer patients in the USA that are designs to uplift, inspire, and provide hope during the journey. If you are a breast cancer patient in the USA currently undergoing treatment, please visit this link on the Bags of Hope website to request your free care package.

Pinked Perspective Free Care Kit for Mastectomy Patients
Free Care Packages

Pinked Perspective Free Comfort Care Kit

Main URL: Visit


Pinked Perspective is a national nonprofit organizations that offers support, mentorship, and an inspirational comfort care kit for breast cancer patients in the USA in active treatment and preparing for mastectomy. Please visit this page to review current program eligibility and request your comfort care package.

Twisted Pink Free Hope Box Care Package
Free Care Packages

Twisted Pink

Main URL: Visit


Twisted Pink, with sponsorship by the United Breast Cancer Foundation, provides their free Hope Box care package to breast cancer patients and survivors in the USA. The Hope Box is filled with health & beauty items to support and inspire those with this disease. Please learn more about the organization and request your care package here.

The Tutu Project Free Care Package for Breast Cancer Patients
Free Care Packages

Tutu Care Package

Main URL: Visit


Cheerful and uplifting care package for breast cancer patients in active treatment sent by the organization’s founder who battled breast cancer herself. Patients must reside in the USA to qualify.  Nominations for care packages can be completed here using this form at the bottom of the page.

Brighter Magazine for Women with Cancer
Free Books, Magazines & Organizers

Brighter Magazine

Main URL: Visit


Free full-color lifestyle magazine for women in any stage of the cancer journey to help empower and inspire during this difficult time. To request your free copy by mail, please visit the link provided above.

The Breasties Cancer App
Free Apps

The Breasties Cancer App

Main URL: Visit


Free app for patients, caregivers, and family to connect with those impacted by breast and gynecologic cancers. This app allows you to chat, join groups, attend events, get help from experts and more. To learn about this app and download it for your devices, please visit the Breasties website here.

Outcomes4Me App
Free Apps

Outcomes4Me App

Main URL: Visit


Free app for iPhone and Android devices customized to the needs of breast patients. Includes cancer-specific NCCN-guideline treatment options for your specific diagnosis, medical records organization tools, clinical trials locator, and breaking news and resources tailored to your diagnosis. Please click the link above to choose your version.

A CCN Top Pick!
The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen, Second Edition

An IACP award-winning guide that integrates science-backed nutritional advice with practical, delicious recipes. Serves as an empowering resource for those battling cancer with 150 new and updated recipes with shopping lists, easy-to-follow instructions, and ways family can help. A CCN Top Pick!

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Free Care Packages for Cancer Patients and Families

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About Staff, Cancer Care News 309 Articles
Cancer Care News is a non-profit 501(c)(3) sharing evidence-based cancer updates & financial resources for patients & families in the USA. Please share the information you find helpful with others in need.