Free Wigs for Cancer Patients: National No-Cost Programs Available Now

national programs that offer free wigs for cancer patients
This page was originally published June 15, 2018 and updated March 16, 2025.

Free Wigs for Cancer Patients

It’s just hair, right? Wrong. For cancer patients, hair loss is a real, and very frustrating, aspect of treatment. It is far from a superficial concern; not only is it a visible reminder of their illness, but it can also be a source of great anxiety and insecurity. In a study published in Psycho-Oncology, researchers reviewed 36 peer-reviewed articles on the emotional aspects of treatment-related hair loss and concluded that “Treatment-induced alopecia negatively affects millions of survivors each year in unique and nuanced ways…hair loss disrupts how [patients] experience their bodies, interact with others, and conceptualize their body image beyond treatment.”

Many national organizations understand this and work hard to provide this support during such a trying time. The five non-profit programs below provide free wigs for cancer patients in the USA, and these services are always available to all free of charge.

For even more zero-cost programs, please be sure to check out our national directory of free wigs, hats, scarves and other headcoverings here.  ❤️

1. The Butterfly Club

The Butterfly Club is a free wig program for women, teenagers and children who experience hair loss due to cancer treatments. Wig fittings, caps, cut & style are all provided completely free of charge. To request your free wig and associated services, please visit The Butterfly Club website and complete the free wig request form here.

2. The Verma Foundation

The Verma Foundation offers free cap wigs, stylish caps with real human hair already attached. These caps can be tailored to patient preference as to both cap and hair color. To apply for this free cap and wig program, you will fill out an application and your doctor will submit a note about your diagnosis and verify your medical need. For the free application, please visit this page of the Verma Foundation website for the online form.

3. TRS Care Wig Program

TRS Care is a national nonprofit organization that helps insured cancer patients in the USA qualify for free medical wigs and post-mastectomy essentials through insurance. They advocate on your behalf to verify eligibility, get coverage amount, and file claims through the insurance company at zero cost to cancer patients. To get started, please complete this form on their website.

4. The Pink Wig Project

The Pink Wig Project provides a fun and sassy pink wig at no cost to cancer patients in the USA who are in active treatment. If you currently receiving cancer treatment and are looking for a pretty, feminine, and bold new look, visit the website to learn more about this wonderful program. To request your free wig, please complete the online form here.

5. Pink Heart Funds Free Wig Program

Pink Heart Funds is a nonprofit organization that provides free human hair wigs for any woman in the USA who is experiencing hair loss from chemotherapy or radiation. If you are undergoing current treatment and have related hair loss, please visit this link to choose your style and order your free wig online.

National Directory of Free Wigs for Cancer Patients

Cancer treatment often takes a toll on the body, and one of the most visible side effects is hair loss. For many people undergoing chemotherapy, hair loss is a distressing and visible reminder of the disease. While it is not life-threatening, it can certainly add to an already difficult situation.  There are many no-cost options available to help deal with hair loss, including wigs, hats, and scarves. No matter what you choose, it is important to remember help is available nationwide and all for free to make yourself feel more comfortable and confident through treatment and beyond.

❤️ Please visit our national Free Wigs for Cancer Patients directory here for an updated list of all providers.

More Help Free Wigs Hats and Wraps for Cancer Patients

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Cancer Care News is a non-profit 501(c)(3) sharing evidence-based cancer updates & financial resources for patients & families in the USA. Please share the information you find helpful with others in need.


  1. These links are a godsend for my sister who is fighting breast cancer right now. Thank you so much for all you do to help!

    • Hi Angelina! Thank you for your kind words and we are so happy to hear CCN has been helpful. All the best to you and your sister.

  2. I just emailed the butterfly club and they already got back to me. Your website rocks! Thank you!

    • That is wonderful, Jessie! We are glad you find a helpful resource here. Thank you for your visit as well as your nice words about the site.

  3. I love that there are companies out there that help with items like this. It is hard enough going through treatment, you shouldn’t have to worry about paying for things like this. I am saving this page and will share it with everyone I know.

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