Breast Cancer Freebies

breast cancer freebies usa
This page was originally published April 21, 2018 and updated March 18, 2025.

At Cancer Care News, we list hundreds of national programs that offer free services and products to cancer patients and families. Most of the programs are not cancer specific but rather are designed to help everyone regardless of diagnosis. If, however, you or someone you care for has breast cancer, free programs are available that are tailored to meet the needs of breast cancer patients and families.   

Below are several no-cost programs and services just for breast cancer patients and families. Please see our cancer-specific national directory for the complete list. ❤️

Professional Navigators

These programs provide guidance and support throughout the cancer journey at zero cost to you. Cancer navigators can help you understand your diagnosis, find treatment options, cope with side effects, manage your finances, and connect you with community resources.

Reach to Recovery

The American Cancer Society coordinates the Reach to Recovery program which provides free support via phone or in person for anyone dealing with a possible breast cancer diagnosis, recurrence, or advanced-stage breast cancer. This breast cancer support program is available at no cost to you. To locate a volunteer in your area, please call toll-free (800) 227-2345 or visit this link

Donna CareLine

The Donna CareLine, funded by the Donna Foundation and staffed by PAF, is a free service that helps patients diagnosed with breast cancer. The CareLine will provide you with an experienced navigator who will work with you on access-to-care-issues, insurance denials, workplace issues, and much more. Complete the online request form here to get the assistance you need at zero cost to you. Help is also available over the phone by calling toll-free (877) 236-6626.

❤️ For other free professional navigator programs just for breast cancer patients, please visit this link.

Free Grants

Grants can help you pay for treatment, travel to appointments, child care, and other expenses related to your cancer journey. Here are three such programs available to breast cancer patients and families in the USA.

The Alliance in Reconstructive Surgery

The Alliance in Reconstructive Surgery (AIRS) provides free grants for medical expenses relating to breast reconstructive surgery after mastectomy. Each grant is unique to the needs of the individual patient. Grants awarded may range from covering co-pays to the full cost of reconstructive surgery, hospitalization, and other related medical expenses. For the next open application period and to apply online, please visit this link

Wishing for Mommy

Wishing for Mommy offer grants up to $500 for kids 3-18 whose moms have been diagnosed with breast cancer or undergoing treatment within the last 24 months. Kids who want to earn a grant from Wishing for Mommy will need to write about how the money will help make their mommy happier. To help a child you know apply for this grant program, visit the Wishing for Mommy online request form here.

❤️ Visit our national directory for other free grant programs for breast cancer patients

Free Scholarships

If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, the following nonprofit agencies have special scholarship programs just for you. Award amounts vary depending on financial need but can be up to $5000 per semester, renewable each term for those who qualify.

The PinkRose Foundation

The PinkRose Foundation provides post-secondary scholarship assistance to children who have lost a parent to breast cancer. Since 2004, the PinkRose has awarded $1000 scholarships to 87 students. Application period is usually June 1-July 31 each year. For a complete description of this free scholarship program, current application period and to apply online, please visit the PinkRose Foundation website here.

Susan G. Komen Scholarship

Susan G. Komen has scholarships for those who have lost a parent or guardian to breast cancer or be a breast cancer survivor diagnosed at 25 years or younger. The scholarship is an award of $5000 per semester and is renewable for up to 4 years to complete undergraduate studies. For more program information, please see this PDF. For additional information regarding the scholarship program contact ISTS by email at contactus@applyists.comWhen emailing be sure to reference the Susan G. Komen for the Cure College Scholarship Program.

❤️ Don’t miss more scholarships for breast cancer patients are included here in our directory.

Vacations & Day Spas

In addition to financial assistance, there are also vacation programs available for breast cancer patients and their families. These programs can provide a much-needed respite from the stresses of daily life.

Little Pink Houses of Hope

Little Pink Houses of Hope provides free, week-long vacations for breast cancer patients and their families to encourage taking time out to relax, reconnect and rejuvenate. Retreats are held at locations in North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Maryland, Texas, Michigan, Arizona, Florida, and California. All expenses except travel to and from the retreat are included. For help on travel costs, please see our no-cost transportation and grants listings. Applications are usually open each year from October to August. To find out when the next retreats are being held and to submit an application, please visit the online signup page here.  

Casting for Recovery

Casting for Recovery provides breast cancer survivors with a unique weekend-long retreat that combines fly-fishing with comprehensive peer support. From the website, “The program offers opportunities for women to find inspiration, discover renewed energy for life and experience healing connections with other women and nature.” Retreat locations are available nationwide. For more on this program and retreat location near you, please visit the Casting for Recovery website here.  

Diva for a Day

The Diva for a Day program treats breast cancer patients to a day at the spa free of charge. For participating spas across the US, please use the search function here on their website.  If you know a deserving Diva who has been recently diagnosed, is currently in treatment, or is less than 6 months out from the completion of treatment, you can nominate them for the Diva for a Day program here

Send Me on Vacation

Send Me on Vacation has four different vacation programs available to breast cancer survivors. Mermaids Empowerment and the Wellness Vacation are for survivors only; the FreeStyle and Staycations are designed for survivors and families. Meals, taxes and housing are usually covered but flights are not. To check current availability, eligibility requirements and to complete an application, visit the Send Me on Vacation program information page here.

❤️ If you are looking for different vacation programs, please see our updated list here.

Care Packages

Care packages are another way to get support during your cancer journey. These packages typically contain items like books, blankets, journals, relaxation services, and more. All programs are free to breast cancer patients in the USA.

Awesome Breast Forms

Awesome Breast Forms has free handmade knitted and crocheted prosthetic breast forms for women who have lost a breast due to lumpectomy or mastectomy. This all-volunteer run non-profit provides all gifts for breast cancer patients for free. Volunteers custom make these custom breast forms by hand based on each person’s needs, preferences, and breast cup size. Ordering is quick, simple and online. To request your free breast forms, please complete the request form online here

Knitted Knockers

Knitted Knockers provides free knitted prosthetics as a replacement for silicone after mastectomy.  According to their website, “Knitted Knockers are a light comfortable knitted prosthetic that when placed in a bra has the shape and feel of a real breast, and are more comfortable than silicone prosthetic breasts.” Request your free Knitted Knockers here on their website using their online shopping cart.  

EBeauty Community Inc.

EBeauty Community Inc. offers a free national wig exchange program. Women can donate wigs that are in turn cleaned and refurbished and then sent, free of charge, to women in need. Those seeking wigs can select style, color and other customizable  options via the website. To learn more about this free wig exchange program for breast cancer patients, please visit the site here

❤️ For many more free care packages just for breast cancer patients, scroll through our national listings.


If you need help paying for your medications, help is available. Here is one such program that will pay for prescribed treatment medication for breast cancer patients getting care in the USA:

The Assistance Fund

The Assistance Fund provides help obtaining free medications for certain diseases, one of which is breast cancer. If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer and are having trouble affording your medications, please give this free prescription drug program a try. For complete program information, eligibility, and an online application, please visit the Assistance Fund’s website here or, if you prefer, you may call (855) 845-3663 for free help over the phone.

More Personalized Help for Breast Cancer Patients

These are just a few of the breast cancer free programs from service providers who can help you during your breast cancer journey but many, many more are available to you and all at no cost.  More free programs and services just for breast cancer patients here in our national directory. Browse all of our free resources and get the help you need today. ❤️ 

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About Staff, Cancer Care News 309 Articles
Cancer Care News is a non-profit 501(c)(3) sharing evidence-based cancer updates & financial resources for patients & families in the USA. Please share the information you find helpful with others in need.


  1. Thank you for this list of breast cancer support freebies. I love knowing so many groups are out there offering free support, services, and other things that can be helpful for those who are fighting.

  2. My great aunt was diagnosed with Breast cancer 3 months ago, I’ll be sure to share these with her!
    Thank you!

  3. Wishing for mommy is like a little ray of happiness for kids and their families.
    It’s just so heart warming places like this help!

  4. I just want to personally thank everyone who is part of the fight and the ones who stand by and show us support and love that means more than you will ever know it helps give us that push we need when we think there’s nothing left in us .I know I’m just recently diagnosed but I’m a diabetic also and I have a rare blood disorder so when I found out I had breast cancer I was to the point I thought there was no fight left in me with love from my kids and from the people on this site that shows love and support I know I can do it there’s plenty of people backing me and my kids and I know now there’s support out there mentally and financially that can help if need be thank you all from the bottom of my heart

    • Thank you for your visit and kinds words about the help you’ve received from our listings. This site exists to be of service to people who need it most and we are so pleased it has helped you. You are in our thoughts and we wish you and your family all the very best.

  5. Thank you for the resources you’ve provided for help and encouragement. The hats, scarves etc. made me it easier for me to deal with my coming hair loss, (trying them on in private, and not having to leave the house during Covid). The notes of support were so appreciated and lovingly taken in.
    Thank you to all your donating partners! ❤️

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